The Neutronian Quality Index

A Data Quality Framework and Scoring Methodology

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White Paper

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    Marketers are faced with a broad array of challenges that include the increasing dominance of the walled gardens, the growing regulatory risk based on new laws from various states and countries, and the elimination of the traditional cookie-based advertising identifiers. To solve for these issues, marketers are being encouraged to leverage their 1st party data and mix it with a variety of 2nd party and 3rd party data sources to achieve the necessary scale from which to execute their campaigns.

    Download Neutronian’s white paper using the form below to learn about the Neutronian Quality Index (NQITM) a scoring methodology that addresses these challenges by providing a standardized framework for evaluating data quality.

    This white paper covers:

    • A summary of the data quality and compliance issues impacting marketers today and how a data quality framework can help to address them
    • An overview and description of the components that are included in the Neutronian data quality framework
    • A description of the Neutronian scoring methodology and example use cases for the resulting scores
    • An outline of the key benefits of the Neutronian data quality framework for data buyers and sellers


    Download the white paper today to learn more about our approach to data quality and compliance verification!