ShareThis Certification Case Study

Feedback on our Neutronian certification has been very positive from our agency and platform partners. Now more than ever before, agencies and marketers are beginning to consider data quality in their vetting processes and this independent verification of our data quality puts ShareThis at the forefront of these discussions.
Andi Wilson, SVP of Sales at ShareThis


ShareThis was looking for a way to differentiate themselves from competitors and optimize their sales process.
  • Most buyers have preferred providers and are reluctant to try other options
  • At face value datasets may appear alike and it takes time to dig into the details – time that buyers may not be willing to spend in order to vet a new provider


ShareThis elected to go through Neutronian’s data quality audit.
  • ShareThis processes for data collection, processing and evaluation were examined. Data samples were also reviewed.
  • Specific attention was given to ShareThis’ handling of consent management given the massive scale of their publisher network.


For ShareThis, having the Neutronian certification has been a way to prove their focus on data quality and provide differentiation from competitors. This has led to:

More data buyer questions being addressed upfront

Increased and accelerated new sales discussions

Less time spent defending the data